Our Favorite Recording Sessions Lyrics by Beach Boys

Our Favorite Recording Sessions Lyrics

    Hey hey come in they come

    O.k. boys, take one

    Danny and the juniors set a groove stuck 'em blblblblu shoot
    Say shoot
    I should
    Why don't you say "shoot" quick right as the song
    Danny and the juniors set a shoot stuck 'em down in the bloot, spoot,
    Fruit, toot

    O.k. let's get ready
    Let's dub, let's overdub a little a little finger p-
    No, no, no clem no!
    By greckins you put a little, little bit, a little finger poppin' on thar
    It's gonna be a million-and-two seller

    Hey, will you take off that hat? you look like george washington!
    I'll throw you across the river.
    You'll throw me across? the what? the pontiac?
    I'll throw you across the river. i threw a silver dollar across, i can
    Throw you.

    When you hear the countdown, everyone shut up because it's awful tight.
    Let's make it.

    Sittin in my ca
    Say t-shirts
    T-shirts in my car
    Outside your lawn

    What's wrong?
    I broke that tie thing.
    Oh thanks!
    It's his tie thing
    Gee whiz
    I have another one, thank you
    How much are they?
    I have two more.
    You do not.
    I bought 'em for 99 cents apiece
    You, you did?
    I know where you can get 'em.

    Here we go
    For 99 cents
    We're on
    You got a better deal than i did
    I know
    Is this mike on?

    All the way from hawthorne california we're flying over carl wilson who's
    Going to jump 600 feet into a two foot cup
    Into a damp rag
    Come on
    Hey look, i'm gonna leave you home
    Hey you guys just a second, i forgot my note
    Just a second i'm gonna go to the piano

    Ahh ahh
    O.k. let's make one charlie.
    You guys ready, let's go.