Perons Latest Flame Lyrics by Madonna

Perons Latest Flame Lyrics

    Che: At the watering holes
    Of the well to do
    I detect a resistance to

    English: Precisely

    Che: Our heroine's style

    English: We're glad you noticed

    Che: The shooting sticks
    Of the upper class

    English: Give her an inch

    Che: Aren't supporting a single ass
    That would rise for the girl

    English: She'll take a mile

    Such a shame she wandered
    Into our enclosure
    How unfortunate this person
    Has forced us to be blunt
    No we wouldn't mind
    Seeing her at Harrod's
    But behind the jewelry counter
    Not in front

    Che: Could there be
    In our fighting corps
    A lack of enthusiasm for

    Troops: Exactly

    Che: Peron's latest flame

    Troops: You said it brother

    Che: Should you wish
    To cause great distress
    In the tidiest officer's mess
    Just mention her name

    Troops: That isn't funny

    Peron is a fool
    Breaking every taboo
    Installing the girl in the Army H.Q.
    And she's an actress the last straw

    Her only good parts are between her thighs
    She should stare at the ceiling not reach for the skies
    Or she could be his last whore

    The evidence suggests
    She has other interests
    If it's her who's using him
    He's exceptionally dim

    Dangerous jade

    English: We have allowed ourselves to slip
    We have completely lost our grip
    We have declined to an all time low
    Tarts have become the set to know

    Eva: I am only a radio star with just one weekly show
    But speaking as one of the people I want you to know
    We are tired of the decline of Argentina with no sign of
    A government able to give us the things we deserve

    Troops: It's no crime for officers to do as they please
    As long as they're discreet and keep clear of disease
    We ignore we disregard
    But once they allow a bit on the side
    To move to the center where she's not qualified
    We are forced to mark his card

    She should get into her head
    She should not get out of bed
    She should know that she's not paid
    To be loud but to be laid

    Dangerous jade

    Che: This has really been your year Miss Duarte
    Tell us where you go from here Miss Duarte
    Which are the roles that you yearn to play
    Whom did you sleep-dine with yesterday

    Eva: Acting is limiting the lines not mine
    That's no help to the Argentine

    Che: Can we assume then that you'll quit
    Is this because of your involvement with Colonel Peron

    Guards: Goodnight and thank you

    Troops: She won't be kept happy by her nights on the tiles
    She says it's his money but she's after his files
    So get back onto the street

    She should get into her head
    She should not get out of bed
    She should know that she's not paid
    To be loud but to be laid

    The evidence suggests
    She has other interests
    If it's her who's using him
    He's exceptionally dim

    English: Things have reached a pretty pass
    When someone pretty lower class
    Graceless and vulgar uninspired
    Can be accepted and admired